Enough deviation...
While I was on vacation to the happy and sunny Dominican Republic, I was not entirely on "break." I took a good look at the advertisements in this foreign and tourist-centric country, and noticed a dramatic difference with American ads (which was actually pointed out by my finance-major boyfriend) (thanks jimmy!)
I wanted to find some ones that I saw on TV in DR, but unfortunately I could not find any... my apologies! I could briefly describe one, and see if you guys can come to the same conclusion as jimmy did:
Commercial of a shampoo -- A smiling woman around 25, brunette, hopping down a festive street, does a few turns, and is rejoiced by those around her. The sky is sunny and bright, and the people were all smiling and looking joyous. We both got a very good feeling from watching the commercial. The effects were minimal and even the end-frame was overly simple. There were no CG, just a carefree and happy woman bouncing around the street with her bouncy and shiny hair.
Do we still see commercials like that in America?
Lets think back to the last shampoo commercial we watched... probably a famous star with impossibly smooth hair, HD quality, and the woman looks flawless. Just like every other shampoo commercial. It promises to give your hair 200% more shine, 310% more volume, and 140% thicker. Most of all, the woman is indoor and the background is white. Then a sudden flow of complex graphics jump onto the screen. Looks real professional. You then think to yourself: Photoshopped, maybe?
See what I'm getting at?
I could go on and on about the difference between a society like America and one like DR. I may be biased since I am absolutely in love with the simplicity of Dominican's lifestyle versus the complexity and unfulfilled lives of New Yorkers. They say culture shape ads, but if you look deep enough, ads are the best reflectors of what society values most. In DR's shampoo ad, emphasis is put on happiness, sunshine, and social interaction. American shampoo ads emphasis on image. Image is important in any culture, ofcourse, but it's not everything is it? Alright I will stop.
Anyway, anyone who's thinking of taking a trip, please be advised to consider Dominican Republic. The people are absolutely ADORABLE and they will be so satisfied with just one dollar bill. They work hard day and night, even multiple jobs, without expecting extra tip or a sign of appreciation. They always serve with a smile, a casual chat, and generosity. Combine that with sunshine and a beautiful resort, tada! you have paradise.
Yup...a typical post of someone going through vacation withdraw.
A very interesting blog, articles written with genuinity and passion. Good luck!